Waking up in Phuket- Day 1

Good morning!!!!  Did you all sleep well?  Oh and……..

Welcome to Thailand!!!!!

Holy smokes Batman!  Have you looked out the window????  We're definitely NOT in Kansas anymore (…or northern China for that matter). 


Umm…. not sure about you but I'm STARVING!  Can we go eat some breakfast???

We'll race you to the breakfast buffet…..


Ah yes….this is what I really NEEDED (okay, need is a very strong word.  Perhaps wanted is better but I still think I needed it) and don't you dare think of snatching my latte!  Ask the friendly waitress and she'll bring you your own drink.


Oh my. The Ocean.  The Big Blue and Beautiful Ocean.  Don't you hear it calling for us?????

It's so loud I can't hear anything else!!!!

Guess that means one thing!!! We're off to the (Mai Khao) beach!


Let's ride some waves!!!


So….what are you waiting for????  Jump in!!!




 Naturally we'll have to bury our cheerful companions in the sand.  We might even try to create a mermaid tail for them!  PS.  Have you gone beach combing yet?  This beach has an awesome collection of sea shells, sea glass and other fun things to find.  And funny, fast, tiny crabs racing all over the place!


 Here, Annika will show you how to have fun in the waves!

First Day in Phuket for Spring break from Astrid Breutzman on Vimeo.


 Just a word of (sincere) caution…you can definitely feel an under current here trying to pull you out to see.  Not a problem for the grown-ups or even Annika but if you've got any little people with you please keep a careful watch on them.  

After we were done riding the waves, getting rubbed raw by the sand AND getting tons of sand in places where you don't ever want to get sand we saw that it was a Yellow Flag day at this beach.  (guess that means you just have to be careful….but we were, weren't we?)


I think it's time to head back to the hotel and grab some lunch. You're hungry, right??? 


Oooooo!!!! Check out those cool "swings"!  (they're not swings but the straps sure make it look like they are) And in my favorite colors too- turquoise, blues and greens. Hmmmm…..this is one of the hotel lounge areas….I think we might have to get some drinks here tonight!!!



Thai iced tea anyone??? YES PLEASE!!!!


And how about some Pad Thai and Panang Curry????  Hope you're hungry!!!! (we opted to eat the deli located in the resort compound)



And….how about donuts as big as your head for dessert???


Apparently, Ava likes Pink and Annika likes White.  I think I'll take a fruit tartlette because the kind of person I am.  Mark chose some chocolate chip cookie.  What will you choose?


Next stop after lunch: procuring hats for everyone in the party that doesn't have one.  We do in fact own sun hats but they're all in our shipment which hasn't arrived.  The sun is pretty intense here so a hat to shade your face is high on my list of recommendations!







Ava is riding the slide backwards.  Because that's the kind of girl Ava is.  Annika already went down the slide.  Because that's the kind of girl Annika is (no clue what that means).


Yay!!!  Swimming in the pool is AWESOME!!!!!


I'm getting tired. Are you getting tired?  How about we wrap up the swimming for today and head back to our room???

Here's the view from our hotel room.  Not bad, not bad!


 We're on the third floor and we've got a pretty nifty room.  Do you see all the sand on the floor?  We had a LOAD of sand in our swim suits.  Ouch!!!  Oh,do you see those shutters behind Mark?  They open up to the bathroom (like an open window).  So….that ummm…means no privacy.  Anyone else think that's kind of weird???

IMG_1728Our super-sweet traveling companions get to sleep in this little alcove.  Check out their awesome view!

IMG_1734Let's go out for a walk, okay?  Maybe we'll see….


Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!  IMG_1745And maybe we'll do something super-duper, ultra-crazy like eat ice cream for dinner!!!  Does that sound good to you???  Hey!  Remember, we're on vacation!  It's okay to eat ice cream for dinner! Do I really have to twist your arm to join us??? I hope not!


IMG_1753We "deserve" the ice cream after a full, fun-filled day and all the "hard" work we did playing in the sun, waves and pool.  We found this ice cream shop at a little shopping center within short walking distance of our resort.


IMG_0743And how about we end the day with all the girls getting pedicures!  How can we girlies not have pretty toes when we're wearing sandals all the time???  Just seems like a fun thing to do.  Won't you join us?  

IMG_1772So, what nail color did you end up picking out?  Annika picked out kelly green, Ava picked out a pinkish-purple and I went black.  The lovely ladies painted tiny white flowers on the girls' big toe nails. Cool!!!!  Hey, guys- you can get a foot or shoulder massage while you wait for us ladies to be finished.  Sounds fair, right?

IMG_1776Time to walk back to our hotel!  Check out all the lit torches!  AND it's still hot.  

IMG_0748Remember that hotel lounge I mentioned earlier with the sofa "swings"??? How about we plop down on one and order up some funky sounding tropical drinks?  Doesn't that sound like a fantastic way to end a fabulous day???

Ahhhh….all refreshed!!!

I think I'm going to crash now!!!!  It's been an amazingly full day and we'll do it all again tomorrow!!!!!!!  So…I suggest you take a nice long nap so that you'll be fresh and ready for another day of adventures.  
