Spring Formal 2016

20 May 2016 –


The IST Spring Formal (for all secondary students) was held at the very elegant and  history-laden Astor Hotel.  

Annika went with her friends – Mimi, Simon, and Wenbo (don't know Wenbo?  That's ok, this is the first time we've met him and I think we managed to scare the wits out of the poor boy.  Unintentionally of course!).

We bought Annika's dress and shoes last summer and we're darn lucky they still fit (she's grown taller for sure!).


Simon, Mimi, and Annika:IMG_8934



"Work it! Yeah!!  Now look left…"IMG_8940


Annika and Simon (he's Frances and Michael's son):


Wenbo finally arrived!  Kind of a young James Bond, don't ya think?

The Mamarazzi at it again!IMG_8972


The 7th graders:IMG_8981

Posing with Super Star, Ngufan (Mimi's older sister):IMG_8989The kids all seemed to have an enjoyable evening at the Astor Hotel.  Mark and I dropped them off at the hotel and then we split ways.  Mark and I enjoyed an evening out at 1308 (a German restaurant that serves really good food, beer, and schnapps).