Spending the day with Opa

December 20, 2012-

Let's go see Opa!  Today is our last full day in the area.  Tomorrow we have to leave this beautiful part of Austria….and head to another pretty location.  But let's leave that trip for tomorrow, shall we???


Today is the first sunny day we've had here. ๐Ÿ™‚


Stopping at Pretaler Wetterloch on the way to Opa's house:


This is the Pretaler Wetterloch (weather predictor). You stick your hand in the hole and if it's cold it means nice weather and if it's hot it means bad weather is coming.





So…..was it warm or cold girls????



Entering Veitsch….

Enjoying our treats at Opa's.  Malakoff torte for me!   


 The girls got a huge surprise!  Gifts from Aunt Margaret & Uncle Jon and Mommy & Daddy (plus Oma sent nice goodies for all of us).




Opa got out his old key board. As we already have one here in China we didn't bring this one home.



Opa in the kitchen. Love all the Gmundner Keramik!



The girls are having fun playing with their new toys. Ava loves to braid hair and Annika LOVES her Lego Friends. Plus, Oma and Uropa had gathered some craft supplies to keep them occupied.


Annika practicing on the old keyboard.



Flowers and candles for Uroma.

The girls playing outside in front of the apartment complex: 




Opa's apartment complex….hasn't changed much in the last few years.

 After playing with toys, going through Uroma's hand knit sweaters, touring the attic and chatting we decided to go out for pizza at a local pizza joint.


So funny…when I was going to school in Veitsch this place was a tiny theater…and then it turned into a fitness center ( you can still see the letters on the building) and now it's Pizzeria David.



Waiting for our pizza…why is my iphone taking such blurry photos???




Ava playing with her new toy.


Opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate. ๐Ÿ™‚

We spent some time chatting with Opa.  He showed us photos of us family.  He also showed us part of his vast amazing collection of stamps from all over the world.   (I do love stamps.  I guess I know where I get my affinity for them from!)

Good night Opa!  We'll see you tomorow morning!  Right now it's time for us to head back to our "home"…and stuff, stuff, stuff our suitcases full of all our goodies we bought.  

Of course, it's good to let loose ever once in a while and have a pillow fight:



And Ava trying to take photos of her Daddy from afar. LOL!!! Silly girl!

I think it's time for a little bit of schnapps for the grown-ups and German cartoons for the girls.  Actually, there is a Christmas movie on in German.  I'm enjoying watching it!!!!

Good night!!!