Random photos from September & October

September & October 2014 –

Here is a small sampling of some what random photos. Most are just observations about life here that I find quirky and different.

Here's a heart for you:


See where I found it??IMG_7303

 I think this tent is supposed to be temporary housing for workers who are working on houses in our neighborhood. What a stark contrast…our houses here (which would be considered normal size in the Midwest USA) are vast and luxurious. (by the way, this tent is long gone)


Here's a beautiful street … wait.  What's all that trash doing there?  This is what most roads look like (especially to us wai guo ren; foreigners).  People don't feel the need to pick up after themselves because there are street cleaners (who seem to be extremely poor).  Please, people!  Be more thoughtful and DO NOT LITTER!!!!IMG_7374


Careful!  Watch out for falling melons!  Or squash…or whatever the heck that long oblong shape growing from the vine is.  The vine grew up the tall tree and out onto the limb of the branches which hang over the walkway.IMG_7322

How about a dragon made of what looks like popsicle sticks???IMG_7422

Awwwwwww…..somebody *loves* me.  Check out the sweet heart created on top of my latte with foamed milk.  

Hey, Tigger!  Where are you going in such a hurry???  Come back!IMG_7608

Yes, I'm chasing down Tigger.  Wouldn't you?  Doesn't he look much better with his ears standing up???IMG_7619

Have you ever seen a tree with an IV bag attached to it?  No???  Well, let's fix that for you.  Here you go:IMG_7839

Hmmm….is it just me or is the fluid level different in these bottles of Sprite?


Yikes!  Check out this beverage:IMG_7497
I'm too chicken to try it!  How about I buy a bottle of it and YOU try it let me know.  Wonder if it's bai jiu (will you be blind after drinking it???).  




One response to “Random photos from September & October”

  1. I love these snapshot views of life in China.