Hey- I've got several places to visit on my Tianjin bucket list and since it's a lovely day let's go check out one of the places on my list. Sound okay????
I think today we'll go check out the Porcelain House. I've driven past it several times and it does look interesting. I wonder what it looks like on the inside!?
By the way, our friends Linda and her son, Wolf, will be joining us. Like I always say- it's more fun with friends!
Hey! We're already here!!! And check out this beast of creation:
Let's go check out what's inside the museum.
Or perhaps I should say "museum". As it seems this isn't a museum but a big shop containing lots of very expensive and apparently very old things.
"Don't touch this"…."don't touch that". The attendants here just want to make sure we don't touch a thing. My, such a fun place to visit.
Or not. Seriously. How soon can we leave?
Okay, so it isn't really a museum and the stuff in here is stuffy and boring. BUT the building itself is beautiful. Hardly worth the entry fee to this so-called museum though. The upper floor was off-limits as people still live up there.
The rock…put your ear up to the rock. And then knock on the rock. What do you hear???
Ummmm…..I think it might be time to go!
Time for lunch!!! We're starving!!!! How about Chateau 35??? It's close by and I bet it will be good!
After a nice lunch of salad and salmon (!!!) we all decided that was enough for one day. Thanks for coming along, & see you next time!