“Off Broadway” – a unique IST musical production

17 November 2016 –

This year's musical was very unique and one-of-a-kind.  The school had originally received permission to perform "Grease" (remember the movie with Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta??? Yeah, that one.) before school let out last summer.


After school started this fall we learned that some other company (or school?  Not sure.) wanted to perform "Grease" so IST's permission was taken away. IST is a small little school, hardly the sort to lure audiences away from a big production.  Sigh.

So, what was the school to do?  Well, the musical director and several teachers created their own!  They based it on the recent experience they'd had…it was about a production company getting ready to rehearse "Grease" only to have it canceled and their rights taken away so they came up with their own musical numbers.  They also intertwined Elvis (who turned out to be Sandy's boyfriend).  I was impressed that the teachers were able to create a musical on such short notice! 


Ava sang in the choir. Annika worked on helping paint the set.IMG_5384




Elvis and Sandy…

The student performing as Elvis did a fantastic Elvis impersonation. IMG_5421

Quay helped with make-up this year….here she is doing Anna's make-up.IMG_5428

 I helped with costumes this year.  Thankfully the costumes were simple. It's a bummer that I don't have better photos of Ava in the musical as she was often at the back of the stage (standing behind other performers).

The audience absolutely loved the fresh and new musical.  It was loads of fun.