Hi there folks. Mark here again. I don't do much of the blogging around here because all I do is work, work work. Ok that's perhaps an exaggeration. But I do work a lot. Or at least it feels like a lot. Ok I'm sure I work at least the average amount. I work enough that I never feel like there is enough time to do all the other things I want to do. But I'm already getting off the point here.
I took a really cool busines trip earlier this week. I flew into Hangzhou (杭州)in southern China and then took a 2-hour car ride out to the "small" village of Tiantai (天台). "Small" goes in quotes because its population was "only" 540,000. That's right…just over half a million. One of my Chinese coworkers told me ahead of time "Tiantai not city…is country". Ok…whatever…this country village has the same population the STATE I lived in before moving down to the midwest…
I must say though that this place definitely had a much more rural feel than the monstrous 10-million-plus cities that have been our only China exposure so far. And you know what? It was niiiice…
This place is just beautiful. Mountains, trees, rivers, lakes, clear air…it felt just incredible after two months in the conspicuously sootier concrete jungles we have been inhabiting of late.
Oh and there's one more thing. I…finally…got to visit a real, ancient Buddhist temple. This is something that I particularly loved when I was a 15-yr-old kid & my grandparents sent me off to spend a summer in Japan. Somehow I expected that I would see things like that every day if I lived in China. Not so…it's taken me two months to get to one of these places.
Tiantai Temple is well over 1000 years old. Do you have anything that is over 1000 years old? No you don't. This place was just as peaceful and mysterious and beautiful as it should be and I love the fact that I got to sneak in a visit on a business trip.
Now…should I quit blabbering and just show you the photos??? Yes I should…
The Car Ride…
Tiantai Hotel…
So we arrived in Tiantai on Monday afternoon & went straight to dinner with the supplier. We got to the hotel after dark & so didn't have a chance to really see the area. But Tuesday morning we decided to get up with the sun (meetings didn't start until 8:30!) and have a look at the Tiantai Temple. It was SO worth it!!!
Here are few different views from inside the temple grounds…I will let the photos speak for themselves…
After spending a very peaceful and interesting hour first thing in the morning walking around this temple, we went back to the hotel for breakfast and then left for the office where we would have the day's meetings. It's worth noting that on the drive out, we went past the temple again, and saw five or six tour buses full of tourists pouring into the temple all at once. I am so very happy with our decision to get up early and see the place before it turned into a zoo!!!
After the day's meetings, I wanted to venture out and try to find some of that insence that seems to be typical of Buddhist temples everywhere. It's a pleasant smell that always takes me back to that summer in Japan…
So we set out down the road past the temple to the street where there was a small market…I didn't end up taking photos of that market, but here is a little of what the walk looked like…
Ok…my main plan for Tuesday was to head back to Hangzhou and fly home. But before doing that, I got up early one more time and headed for that pagoda I showed you in an earlier photo. It is a pretty dominant part of the skyline around here, so it had to be checked out.
Maybe the best part of this whole thing to me was the walking/hiking trails aroud the area. I didn't have a ton of time as I had a plane to catch, but I did have time to take a (very steep!) trail up a mountain overlooking the temple area and some of the city of Tiantai. I didn't take a lot of photos of the actual hike because I was very, very busy trying to locate enough oxygen for my seriously out-of-shape desk jockey lungs. But I did take some shots from the top. Getting there was just the perfect high point for a perfect morning in a beautiful place…