IST House Event

4 April 2014 –

You might have heard me mention that IST has four houses- red, black, white, and yellow.  We're in the Yellow House …. aka The Wind Dragons. Oh, and Annika is one of the Yellow House Leaders for the Elementary School.

Today the ENTIRE school (elementary AND secondary) got together had loads of fun with the House Competition.

Here are a gaggle of Yellow House girls:




Let's see…from left to right (back row): Katharina (Petra's daughter), ChaeRin, Annika, Tiffany and Anina.  Front row: Ava, Annie, Treena's daughter (can't remember her name right now…oh, that's terrible!) and Emilee:IMG_0886

What you can't tell from these photos – the sounds of laughter and yelling and cheering going on during the competitions.IMG_0890

Let the games begin!IMG_0892The rope pulling competition – I mean tug-o-war (JEESH!  I'm forgetting words left and right!!!!) between the different houses:

IMG_0899Come on, Annika!  Pull!!!!

IMG_0918They even had a parents versus teachers tug-o-war.  The teachers won…but then again there were more of them than us parents! (so, not exactly what I'd call a fair fight!  LOL!!!)

I'm not sure which house actually won the entire competition but I do know that the kids had lots of fun!