It's Spring Break around these parts….got any vacation plans???
Hey, don't worry if you don't because you can come join us…
We're heading to Phuket!!!!!!
Are you wondering: Where the heck is Phuket? Is it pronounced like I think it should be???? And what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?????**
Maybe this will answer some of your questions…Phuket is an island in southern Thailand. And you pronounce it like…"Poo Ket" which isn't nearly as funny as I thought it'd be. 😉
Here's a map of Phuket I found on Google….
We're heading to the northern part of Phuket to an area call Mai Khao.
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a fun ride!!!!!!
Today's journey will take us from Tianjin to Beijing, China—->>>> to Seoul, South Korea—–>>>>> and then finally to Phuket, Thailand. Total transit time will be a little more than 12 hours with layovers (we'll only be traveling for 9 of those 12 hours).
Tianjin-Beijing, China
As you might remember from our weekend trip to Beijing, it takes about 2+ hours to drive there from Tianjin. So…sit tight and try really hard not to get worried about the ugly traffic your driver is trying to gently navigate through. Ah yes, did I tell you that we have a new driver????? No??? Well, he's got at least ten years driving experience on the one we fired and he doesn't drive like a maniac!!!! Go ahead and relax….I think I'll take a nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
Beijing-Seoul, South Korea
Oh my, that was one fast flight! It felt like we were only up in the air for a short amount of time before we started to head back down to Earth. Welcome to Seoul, South Korea! By the way…we landed at Incheon International Airport. And WOW!!! What an airport!!!! I can honestly say this is the nicest airport I've ever been to….clean, well-lit, bright, cheerful, the signs are in English and they have "normal" potties (yes, that IS important!!!).
Hey….COOL!!!! You have to check this out!!!! This airport has something I've not come across in any other airport….it has a Cultural Activities Center where you can make traditional Korean artifacts- FOR FREE!!!! What an awesome way to kill a normally boring, two-hour lay-over!!!
Ava chose to do this traditional Korean ink- rubbing craft:
There is a piece under her paper that creates an embossed pattern on her sheet. You then dab black ink on to the paper to make the pattern "appear".
And here's the craft project Annika chose (good thing they provided disposable gloves for painting!!!):
This is what Annika's creation is supposed to be a miniature version of:
Using a fan to speed up drying time of the paint and the glue.
Seoul, South Korea- Phuket, Thailand
Here are your ever-so-cheerful traveling companions:
Go ahead and make yourself comfy… we'll be smooshed in this airplane for about 6 hours. Might I suggest taking a nap???? We'll get to Phuket after 11pm.
You'll have to wait for the next blog post to see photos of Phuket!!!!
**And as for the air speed velocity of the unladen swallow I just have to ask is it an African or European swallow? (confused???? Go watch Monty Python's "Holy Grail"….which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Thailand)