April 24, 2013-
Most of the neighborhood kids have been captivated by the girls' attempt at creating a secret garden in our front yard. The kids have sowed some flower seeds in the ground and in a few pots all located at the front of our house. They've been dutifully watering the plants and trimming them. The kids have been doing this all on their own- it was their idea and it seems like they're trying to see it through.
I think we've got some future gardeners in the making!
A beautiful flowering fruit tree in our front yard (which, by the way, is technically communal property):
Here's something I find amusing about life here… The photo below was taken from a walk-way in our neighborhood. Now, I could be wrong but I think that the property surrounding the walk-way is also communal property. However the Chinese homeowners are staking claims on this little bit of land and turning it into their own. Here's how own neighbor is claiming their little bit of communal property: