Fireworks Display for CNY

Remember that box of fireworks I showed you in the last post?  Here they are….

Here is the fountain:



At first we thought it wasn't going to be anything special but the fountain kept on going and going and going!


Here are some examples from the box of shells we bought:


My favorite photo:

So now we'd wished gotten a bigger box (or at least several boxes of shells) but at least we bought sparklers to play with:

Annika playing with the sparklers:


Ava refused to play with them as she had a mishap with some this summer (she got burned since they had a metal handle; these had wooden handles). 


Oh, and we bought this jacket for Annika.  I think it's a costume for the Chinese New Year (is it meant for boys?  Not sure.  We found it at E-Mart which is sort of like Wal-Mart)

Here are some firecrackers some of our neighbors set off right in front of our house.  Warning!  They are LOUD!  (do you remember that coil of firecrackers I
showed you in a previous post?  These are them)

Firecrackers CNY 2012 from Astrid Breutzman on Vimeo.

And here is a tiny sampling of the fireworks displays that were going off all around us- ALL NIGHT LONG:

Fireworks display for CNY 2012 from Astrid Breutzman on Vimeo.

 I'm certain the people living in the high rise apartments had the best view of all but I'm pretty happy with the view we had too!  Our neighbors lit a BUNCH of shells right in front of our house.  We had a spectacular view of them (no video of those).  The night sky was both sparkly and very smokey.

What I can't understand is how the girls managed to sleep through all that noise!  Although, before the girls truly fell asleep Ava would come into our room about every five minutes to inform us of more fireworks she'd just seen out the window.  That went on for some time before we told her to kindly go to sleep.  LOL!  




2 responses to “Fireworks Display for CNY”

  1. I’m so glad you figured out how to do the videos! I was just sitting down to write out instructions for you, and am glad to see you already figured it out. Hopefully this new blog format will be easy-peasey in a month or so.

  2. Sally, is there a way to make the main column of this blog wider? I don’t like that it’s a narrow strip. How do I go about correcting it?