April 10, 2013-
Well, well, well….
The Easter Bunny sadly didn't manage to stop by our house while we were in Malaysia. Mr. Easter Bunny – you're slacking off!
The girls were also disappointed that they'd missed the Easter Egg Hunt that our friends and neighbors had put on while we were away.
There's an easy way to remedy that:
Create our own Easter egg hunt!!!
This time – they had to follow the clues in the plastic eggs to lead them to the treasure. 🙂
I created a series of seventeen clues leading the girls from one plastic egg to the next egg…starting from the front door-> leading outside->to second floor->finally to third floor. I made the course zig-zag throughout the house by making them go back and forth on the first floor. I tried to make the girls really work for their treasure but they whizzed through the clues instead. ;-)
One egg was on the trampoline:
Reading the next clue:
Trying to find the next egg hidden in the fruit bowl (it looks an awful like the apples it's sitting next to):
Racing off to find the next clue:
The final egg (in the third floor bathroom):
The final egg had a surprise the girls really weren't expecting after all that running around….
It had a note in it that said, "Go ask mom."
So…what did I have hidden away for them???:
Everybody loves jelly beans, right:
At least Annika and Ava LOVE jelly beans!!!!
This was an awesome after school activity! It really perked up the girls' spirits. I think I'll have to do another treasure hunt with clues soon – but next time I need to make the clues more challenging to figure out. 😉