Dinner with David and Lynn

October 21, 2012-

David and Lynn are a great Chinese couple!  You might remember them- they helped Mark make the smoker and they came over to help us eat a batch of smoked ribs in said smoker. Thanks guys!!!

They invited us to dinner at their home and how can we refuse????   Real Chinese food?  Ooooohhhh.…yeah!!!!  Sign me up for that!

 (Sadly, Annika couldn't join us for this dinner.  She was busy at Zombie Prom rehearsal. I'm positive she would have greatly enjoyed this meal!)


In David and Lynn's green kitchen. Check out that awesome knife and all those freshly prepared veggies. Eggplant, leeks, tomatoes, green bell peppers, potatoes……


David starting the ribs in the skillet before cooking them in the pressure cooker until perfection!




This little electronic gadget makes hot soy milk. You put dried soybeans in the bottom, add a bunch of water, plug it in and away it whirls!  


 Watching David cook….


 Ava playing with eyeglasses (without lenses????).  





Ava watching Lord of the Rings.


Not one, not two, not three but SIX dishes! Holy cow!  (literally!)  How are we going to eat so much food?????


Lynn pouring Mark some of the hot soybean milk/drink: 



I wasn't expecting to like the soybean milk- but happily I was completely wrong! I LOVED it!

OH WOW!!!!


That is one of the BEST meals I've had in China.  Truly!  David (and Lynn) are the best cook(s)!  ;-) Maybe next time I'll be more hands on and learn how to cook REAL Chinese food with them.  After all, I don't want to leave China without learning a few REAL Chinese dishes!!!