October 2, 2012 –
Wow! Over a month has gone by since our Japan trip…so why haven't I finished the blog posts from this trip????? Oh, yeah! Those bazillion photos and the lack of my decision making skills. ;-) (I'm being honest, right?)
So let's continue with our journey to Japan…we're back in Shirakawa-go in the super cool, can't-believe-we-actually-get-to-stay-in-a-thatched-roof house and after a day of walking, riding in buses and some more walking – we. are. tired AND hungry!
We've been patiently waiting for dinner to be served. We're reading our books- either inside the room or outside on the bench. But guess what? Dinner is served!
Time for bed! It's been one v-e-r-y l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g day! Good night!!!!