Dinner in Shirakawa-go

October 2, 2012 –

Wow!  Over a month has gone by since our Japan trip…so why haven't I finished the blog posts from this trip?????  Oh, yeah!  Those bazillion photos and the lack of my decision making skills.  ;-) (I'm being honest, right?)

So let's continue with our journey to Japan…we're back in Shirakawa-go in the super cool, can't-believe-we-actually-get-to-stay-in-a-thatched-roof house and after a day of walking, riding in buses and some more walking – we. are. tired AND hungry!

We've been patiently waiting for dinner to be served.  We're reading our books- either inside the room or outside on the bench.  But guess what?  Dinner is served!


Ooof! Sitting on the floor is HARD for us soft westerners!



Sitting around the open fire pit (no, there wasn't a fire going as it wasn't cold enough to warrant one).


Our dinner consisted of: yummy curry and rice (is this Japanese?), mixed veggie omelet, deep fried shrimp and macaroni salad (seems very American???).

Time for bed!  It's been one v-e-r-y l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g day!  Good night!!!!