Debbie, I’m not going to say good bye

September 17, 2013-

Today is the day I've been dreading for the past few months…..

The day one of my nearest and dearest friends returns to her home country, South Africa.  

Debbie is a sweet angel.  She's been a confidant, a friend, and a wonderful mentor.  She's shown me how to open your heart and welcome new friends and new experiences.  It's because of her that my doors are always open.  (Okay, so my doors aren't literally open all the time as I DO lock them at night but I think you get the idea, right?)

And…I know that I'm not the only one who thinks this.  


It's the nature of the beast….I mean life as an expat.  People are constantly coming…and going.  Still, it doesn't make her departure feel any better.  Like a former expat explained to me – she's laughed and cried harder while living here in China than ever before.  I couldn't agree more. 


One last photo …in front of B-62

I bet you're not going to miss that nasty air either!!!  Send some clean, bright blue skies our way, please!!!


I'm guessing you guys won't miss this house, right???? Man, oh man!  


the Ladies….Astrid, Petra, Debbie, Kathy and Holly


Ava saying good bye to Marko and Juandre.

Loading up…and heading to Beijing for one last time.

Debbie & Croydon – wishing you a safe journey back home.  I wish I could say "hope it's uneventful" but I already know that to not be true.  :-/  I guess China wasn't ready for you to leave last night either!!!

I'm NOT going to say good bye though.  Nope.  Not gonna say it.  I'm just going to say, "See you later!!!" Because, we WILL see them this coming summer.  

See, there IS a silver lining in that dark cloud.

See you soon, dear friend.  Words cannot fully express how much we'll miss you!!!!!!