Category: Uncategorized

  • Reminder (for viewing photos)

    A quick reminder: You can click on any photo to view it larger.   πŸ™‚

  • Mahlzeit!

    Hallo Oma und Opa! Wir sind gut angekommen in China!  Wir haben viele neue Abenteuer!   Wir essen gerne internationale Speisen.  In China gibt es sehr viele zum Auswaehlen.  Wir haben bis jetzt Koreanisch, Mongolisch (hot pot), Italienisch, Chinesisch, Indisch und Thailaendisch probiert.     mmmmm! ThailΓ€ndisch ist mein Lieblings Mahlzeit! (YY Beer House) Annika…

  • Ancient Culture Street in Tianjin

    It seems that Saturdays have turned into our Exploring Tianjin days.  I wish every day was Saturday as there are so many things to explore! It is of course difficult to focus on exploring if you are hungry.  So in keeping with our (recently established) ages-old pattern we started with Lunch. On this particular day…

  • A Bird’s Eye View of Tianjin- A Visit to the TV Tower

    Last Sunday we decided to go explore a little bit more of our vast host city, Tianjin.  We thought, from looking at the weather reports, that we were going to have a clear and sunny day like the past few days had been.  Perfect day for going to the top of tower and viewing the…

  • You Know You’re in China- Round 2- a lesson in Engrish or Chinglish

      Have you heard of the term Engrish?  I know that many of you have but for those of you that haven't heard of it here a little run down:     A form of English characterized by bad translation from Japanese by someone who is decent at translating vocabulary but has a poor grasp…

  • The Snow and Ice Carnival in Tianjin

    The girls and Mark have had this past week off from both school and work.  For the most part we've been hanging out at the house and not doing much.  It feels rather good after all the hustle and bustle and zooming we'd been doing getting ready for The Big Move.  We just needed some…

  • My Birthday Celebration- A very Noodle-y Adventure!

    My birthday just happened to be on the Friday after we landed in China (meaning we'd only been here for two days).  Our guide had told us that is customary to eat noodles on your birthday.  We found an awesome French bakery called Paris Baguette where we bought my tiramisu birthday cake.  Our driver picked…

  • You know you’re in China when… Round One- all about driving

    You know you're in China when…. Perhaps it might be more correct to say, "You know you're an expat living in China when…" but we'll just stick to the former, okay? Round One Where to even begin?   Ah yes, how about we have a little chat about our driving situation?   For the duration…

  • A familiar sight…Starbucks!

    While we do try to explore and try new things in all the places we have travelled sometimes it's just nice to have a little taste from home.  We decided to visit the Italian District in Tianjin on Saturday morning.  It's a beautiful section of the city with lots of restaurants to choose from.  Unfortunately,…

  • Fireworks Display for CNY

    Remember that box of fireworks I showed you in the last post?  Here they are…. Here is the fountain:   At first we thought it wasn't going to be anything special but the fountain kept on going and going and going! Here are some examples from the box of shells we bought: My favorite photo:…