September 15, 2012-
Mark left on a business trip back to Dubuque very early this morning. He left at 3:00am! Egads! Now, that IS early.
Since today is Debbie's birthday I tried my hand at making creme brulee for her. I made the creme yesterday and then finished it off this afternoon. Unfortunately, I don't have a torch to use so I tried using the oven on what I think is the broil setting to caramelize the sugar on top. I guess it sort of worked- sadly it didn't melt the sugar fast enough so the cream underneath started to heat up as well. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right????
The Brazilian community at IST is hosting a Brazilian BBQ tonight….I know Mark isn't here but I've got a babysitter and I'm going! Don't worry- I'm not completely alone- Debbie and Croydon are coming with as well.
My lovely plate of food:
What's a caipirinha???? It's a VERY potent Brazilian drink– made of sugar cane rum, lime and sugar. (and I have no idea how to correctly pronounce the name) I wisely chose to drink only two of them over the course of three hours.
Time to go home and rescue the babysitter! :-)