22 November 2015-
Snow! Snow! Snow!!!!
At the beginning of the snow fall we saw some of the most amazingly perfect snowflakes. Each one was of unique shape and design …and exquisite. I wish I had a better way of photographing these beauties as my phone took these blurry photos.Several friends and neighbors called and we ended up at the school. The school has a nice, open field – which is perfect for playing in the snow. Some of us made snow angels and snow men while others attempted to play soccer.
My teensy weensy snow man. This was fluffy snow – not the kind that hard packs easily into snow balls.
Oh, AVA! Seriously??? Look at those chunks of snow in her hair!! (the back side of her head was COVERED in snow).
And the amazing thing is that she doesn't mind AND she doesn't get sick from these sorts of bizarre escapades. Silly girl!
Snowfalls have not been a common occurrence here in Tianjin…at least not while we've lived here. So we made the most of this one!