bake sale cupcakes

21 March 2014-

So this morning the PFO (that stands for Parent Faculty Organization) held a bake sale fundraiser.  

Oh my!

You wouldn't believe how the goodies – which parents generously donated – were flying off the table!  I tried helping Sam (she's one of the PFO co-chairs this year) but holy schmoly!  I didn't have quite enough coffee this morning for my brain to engage and do the simple math it took to count change.  


That's pretty pathetic, isn't it?

Anyway…here are the pretties I concocted as my donation to the bake sale:



We also made and donated a small batch of rice krispie treats and Annika made a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Yes!  Annika can bake batches of cookies all by herself these days.  Isn't that awesome????

No photos from the actual bake sale.  It was in full-swing when I arrived at school to help. (I thought I was getting there early??? Not early enough! whoops.)

Here is a very sweet gift that arrived from Beth today:

IMG_0769Two mugs with photos from our NZ trip printed on them!!!!  How sweet is that????? THANK YOU Beth!!!