April 2, 2013-
(very early morning):
Ack! What is that noise???
There is *something* scampering about in our room! Did you hear it too? Mark and I are up waaaay to early trying to figure out where that noise is coming from. We never did find it. Perhaps it was something scampering inside the walls of our room…or it was scampering underneath? But there was definitely some critter making scampering noises.
Ugh. Now I can't get back to sleep. Those scampering feet noises won't go away and leave us in peace!
Time for breakfast! Up and at 'em!
We ordered "lattes" this morning at an extra charge. Blech! Sorry, those were about the worst tasting lattes we've had. I think that's the last time we order them.
I still love the omelets though! Hey! Where did the waffle machine go????
Darn! No waffles! hmpf. They were going like hot cakes (get it?) yesterday. Wonder why they don't have them out today.
Time to get ready for our snorkeling trip.
Woo hoo!! I'm ready to do some snorkeling, are you????
And after a tiny bit of confusion at the boat landing we're on the correct boat speeding away to our first location.
This location appears to be more in the middle of the ocean, close to a big post sticking out of the water (it's called a seabell on our information sheet).
The current is really too strong here. We're having a little trouble. Our guide just told us to come back to the boat. It's a bit of a struggle to swim against the current to get back to the boat. Whew. All children (five total on this trip) made it safely in. That was a bit too scary for my taste.
We're speeding off now to our second location. It's called Romantic Beach.
Yes, it looks like a gorgeous beach.
Wow! Check out those massive sea anemones with clown fish swimming all around them!
Lots of sea slugs urking along the sea floor.
We call these sea cucumbers BUT be forewarned- these are animals! I remember a friend from ages past telling a story about how he and his dad went on a kayaking trip in Alaska. They'd heard about sea cucumbers and thought they'd eat one (raw). After biting into one they realized that it was NOT a vegetable! Ewwww….that was a rough lesson to learn!
And as it usually seems – the super colorful fish seem to dash off just as you start trying to take photos of them! (just envision lots of rainbow colored fish, some bright blue fish with yellow and …. well, just use your imagination! These fish are very brightly colored!)
Time to go!
Where are we heading to next?
It looks like we're back on the south side of the big island. So many lovely corals and fish. Gorgeous!
Where the jungle meets the ocean:
The fish seem to love eating bread:
Back in the boat- one last destination – to see the sea turtles.
Oh my. There are a lot of snorkelers in the water.
Jump in!
Whoa! I think that might be the biggest sea turtle I've seen yet. It doesn't seem to care at all that twenty people or more are watching it. It's just moving slowly along the sea floor.
Umm…there are TOO MANY PEOPLE in the water. I've had my face slapped by fins from another snorkeler. You know what?? This isn't safe. Let's head back to the boat before someone gets hurt.
Looks like it's time to head back. That felt like a super fast two-hour snorkeling trip. It was fun but both Mark and I agree that there is better snorkeling to be had right next to our resort.
Let's dry off and get lunch!
Thank goodness we didn't have to wait quite as long today for service. It appears – to us – that this place is very Chinese. The waiters will only come help you if you ask for them. I'm trying to be extra polite even though I'm getting a little frustrated. I do hope the politeness will help in the end.
We ordered two sets of noodles dishes. Yum! What did you get?
We're done with our lunch now. We managed to devour those noodle dishes in no time at all!
Let's go sign up for two other snorkeling trips- one on Thursday and the other on Friday.
Jungle Trek Time!
We've decided to go on a Jungle Trek (self-"guided") that will take us to different parts of the island. Wouldn't it be awesome to see some of the creatures that live here? So far we can hear the ocean and the "screech-cadas" (that's what Annika calls them. We think they're some sort of cicadas that make a high-pitch noise).
Let's head back to the chalet, grab water bottles, back pack and our camera.
Are we lost already??????!?
Okay, so the map they gave us wasn't exactly the most helpful in getting us started. I think we need to head right, out of the resort and walk along the beach until we come to a place where the jungle trekking trail starts. Nope, that wasn't the right way. Turn around. Nope. That wasn't it either! Where the heck is it??? Let's head over that way….Ah! I see a sign! This way! –> We're going up into a jungle-y woods- palm trees, tall deciduous trees (maybe related to eucalyptus?), ferns and lots of plants we don't recognize. The terrain is very rocky and full of tree roots to use as steps.
Check out the view before we dove into the jungle:
I didn't invite any stinkin' biting mosquitoes to join us!!!! Why are there always mosquitoes on these jungle treks???
Time for a bug spraying session!
Looks like we're heading downhill- oh look! I can see the water! We've made it through the first leg.
Now we've got to walk along the beach
Turtle Bay (close to Perhentian Island Resort):
and through a few other resorts…Coral View Island Resort (time to grab a cold drink!!!)and Perhentian Island Resort. Huh. These resorts offer massages! Why doesn't our place offer massages?
Heh! We just found the trail again. Going up! This trail will take us to the other side of the island- to a bay called Teluk Dalam.
Did you just see what I saw????
It's a monitor lizard!!!!
It's lumbering along our pathway at a rather slow pace. Wow! This is too cool!
Do you see that ant by Mark's foot? Yikes! That ant is HUUUUGE. Let's not make it angry and have it's cohorts start attacking us!
We can hear some of the birds over the sound of the cicadas. Wish we could see some of those birds or see one of the monkeys. Nope. No monkeys. No birds. Oh well. We did get to see a lizard though. 🙂
We're really sweaty, hot and sticky. I mean really sweaty.
I see some huts…I see the ocean! We made it to the other side of the island.
WHOA!!! This is a drop dead GORGEOUS beach. I mean beautiful!
There are a few mini resorts along the beach with several diving guide outfitters and rentals.
Ooo! I spy coconut drinks! Yay! There is nothing like fresh coconut juice. So yummy! Not too sweet though. Just perfect. And perfect for four people who are almost dripping in sweat.
Time to walk along the beach and find our last jungle path that will take us close to our resort.
There!! We found a sign with an arrow –> on it.
I assume that means this is the way we need to go!? Up, up and up. The lady at our resort counter was right- this part of the jungle trek is harder.
Some of us are having to resort to using all fours to get up this steep trail.
We told the girls if they didn't complain about this walk we'd get banana splits for dessert. Do you think the bribe will work???
It's leveled out a bit.
Now we're heading back down. And there is the ocean again!
Okay, now we know where we are. We've walked on this particular walk way the other night. Do you remember seeing that abandoned building? I wonder what the story is behind that.
Jeesh. I sure wish they would clean up the trash along the beach. This looks like a trash dumpster- not a beach. Blech.
We made it! The girls will get banana splits tonight!
Let's suit up and head out into the ocean until it's time for our BBQ dinner!
A swim in the ocean. Just what we needed!
It's dinner time! After such a long, hard walk WITH NO WHINING I think we deserve lassis to drink AND banana splits for dessert!!!
Let's take one last look at the stars…. there are big clouds over the mainland but no lightning storm. Darn. (I was hoping for a rip-roaring lightning storm to photograph for you.)
Time for BED! No complaints from anyone here………
…Good n……..zzzzzzzz………