17 October 2014-
Hmmmm….turns out the 17th of October last year was a busy day! In addition to the library's dress up day it was also the ISAC Cross Country Running Competition. IST hosted the run this year. The other schools involved were TIS, Wellington, TEDA (not sure if I got that right or if I'm missing a school).
There's Annika! I think she's running in the U12 group (that means Under 12 years of age):
Here she comes barreling down the home stretch (with a boy trying to catch up to her. HA!):
Annika came in SECOND place in the girl's in her age group. Way to go Annika!!!!
Annika's good friend, Chae Rin, came in first place.
A goofy Anna sitting on Chae Rin's lap…who is sitting next to Annika and Mimi.
Nicely done girls! So proud of all of you!!!