An Animated April

April 21, 2013-

I can't believe how fast the months are zipping by.  Some days I feel like I'm struggling to keep on top of all the school activities – let alone all the other activities we're doing.  We're always busy and it's rare to have a stay-at-home, let's-not-do-anything kind of day.  Guess what?  I'm really enjoying life at the moment.  There is never a dull moment in this house! 

Mark's Aunt Karen and Uncle Chuck arrived on the Thursday after we got back from our Malaysia trip.  We've given them a whirlwind sightseeing trip of Tianjin, the Great Wall (Tianjin section), parts of Beijing and this past weekend we traveled to Shanghai together on the bullet train.  That bullet train clocked over 300km/hr! Yikes!  I think everyone will agree that is FAST!!!!

We've sent our relatives on their own journey to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Warriors (we arranged their flights, hotel and guide for them).  It'll be fun to hear their stories!

They'll arrive back in Tianjin tomorrow afternoon (Monday) and we'll head to Beijing on Tuesday.  They'll head back to the good old USA on Wednesday morning.


PS.  Even if the air quality in Shanghai isn't the greatest it is a completely refreshing city to visit.  It's so nice to be one of many Westerners for a change!