A muggy whale

October 26, 2012 –

I couldn't resist buying this mug at the flower market (yes, I bought tea cups at the flower market.  Isn't that where you'd buy tea cups????):


PS. I'm not done with the Japan trip posts but I need to take a break from them! I need to make sure and post recent activities too before I let another few months slip by….

PPS. I'm drowning in photos!!!! Help! *gasp* I can't breathe!!!!

PPPS.  The stupid internet has crashed. AGAIN. For like the second time in one hour. And when it does work I think you'd get the photos I'm trying to post faster if I sent them via a carrier pigeon! Sadly, I'm NOT kidding. I'm trying very hard not to swear. &^%$$#%^^&!!!!!!!!!