A familiar sight…Starbucks!

While we do try to explore and try new things in all the places we have travelled sometimes it's just nice to have a little taste from home. 

We decided to visit the Italian District in Tianjin on Saturday morning.  It's a beautiful section of the city with lots of restaurants to choose from.  Unfortunately, we picked a super brisk and cold day to do our exploring and it didn't appear that any of the shops were open.  Which led us to venturing into ….


 Yes, they have Starbucks! (as well as many others that you'll also recognize) Let me tell you, it was a welcome and WARM relief to find it.  We sat down with some lattes, green tea lattes and hot chocolates to warm up our frozen digits. 

We also got to chat with a Chinese mother and daughter.  The mother's English was fairly good and we learned that her daughter is in the third grade (as is Annika).  All the girls were too shy to try talking.  And I was too shy to take a photo of them. Hopefully we'll all overcome our troubles with shyness! 


My green tea latte (I've tried this in the states too).  Sitting behind me was a group of expats speaking in English. And we also welcomed the western style toilets here!  More on that in yet another post!

Ava's hot chocolate:
Annika's hot chocolate (and me having fun with the Instagram app on my new iPhone):