3 October 2015 –
So…here's me trying to finish up some lose ends from 2015. Like finishing my blog posts on Vietnam. And then there's our short trip to Thailand right before Christmas. And Christmas. Oh, and did I post anything about Halloween???? It's been far too long. I'm just fighting a losing battle – internet is so slow. It takes me several days to get one post complete. I guess I could do a better job of selecting fewer photos but I'm posting these photos not just for you but also has a photo diary for us as well. So, for now I've got to put up with the lousy internet here. Darn it.
Let's go back to the beginning of last October. We had just gotten to Topas Ecolodge located about thirty minutes away from Sapa Town in Vietnam. Such a gorgeous and beautiful countryside!
What the heck is going on here??? Film crews….and people wearing giant backpacks carrying …PIGLETS???? Whaaaat??? We're guessing it's some sort of reality TV show. These folks were racing around with the squealing piglets asking anyone and everyone how to get someplace on their maps. They asked us but we couldn't assist them. Find a local! I'm sure they'd be more helpful. (just a thought)
We're on the search for something called Sapa Market. Our former guide gave us vague directions and marked it on our map. So far it's proving to be elusive – walking down streets….and passing this so-called "lake":
with hotels along-side the "lake" that advertise "lake views". Hmmmmm… I think it'd be disappointing staying here if you thought you were really getting a lake view!
Oh my.
Check out these knives!
Found it! This is Sapa Market.
This is inside Sapa Market…strangely empty. A few stalls selling clothing, bags, and bizarre dried botanical stuff (couldn't identify). Most of the items I've seen before at the various markets in China.
Spices? Medicine? No way to tell unless you can read Vietnamese:
Just outside the market was another market – this one selling fruits and veggies:
Walking back to our starting point….this time in search of a restaurant.
Narrow roads, lots of stalls, and LOTS of people hollering and pestering you to buy items from them. Honestly, it's getting kind of old.
Found a fantastic restaurant, the Hill Station, where we could let our guard down and enjoy our meal. Chatted with some other travelers while finishing up our meal.
Mark sampled various rice wine spirits. They all had a funky, weird taste.
Next time I am booking a cooking class through this restaurant. I am a WEEE bit frustrated that I asked (in advance) at the Ecolodge and they said there were NO cooking classes available. Um. Not true! Darn it!!!!
Bargaining for a bag:
I bought a bag (with cross-stitching) from this lady. Her hands were stained black/dark blue. I've heard this is very common when working with the local indigo fabrics.
These are literally BABIES carrying BABIES. Seriously. The biggest child in this photo is both younger and smaller than Ava. Yikes.
I think these green things are chayote…
We're stopping for a few minutes in a coffee shop and reviving ourselves with some excellent Vietnamese coffee…
You want to try some spicy dried (water) buffalo? Trust us. You do. It was quite yummy!!!
And apparently this is still happening (film crews and young people wearing big backpacks):
Back at the lodge…
Yes. I do love watching the clouds and streaking sunshine.