Snippets from a different world

Here is a collection of photos that I'm having trouble categorizing.  They're just little glimpses into what life is like here.  The good, the bad and the ugly, or at least different.  


Here is one of my favorite parts about being in China:



Mandarin Oranges! The REAL mandarin oranges!!!! They are quite a bit sweeter than their clementine cousins.



This really doesn't qualify as good, bad or ugly…it's just different. Tomato sauce and tomato paste are sold in these packets (you can find cans in the imported goods aisles of the grocery stores).




I thought this was just amusing… this is how our sets of dishes came at a local Chinese restaurant we ate at over the Chinese New Year. Shrink wrapped for your pleasure!


"Way back" in January during Chinese New Year, there were several days when our driver was not available (of course he gets to go be with his family for the holiday!) so we took our first exploratory steps on foot outside the borders of Orignial County…the place we now call home. 

Inside our gated community the roads are swept and the trash is hauled away on a daily basis (including weekends!).  Although there are some maintenance issues with a few of the walkways (rotting wood) for the most part it is very neat and clean.  Step outside that community and you enter a whole other world….. 

Here are some photos of things that probably wouldn't fly back where we used to live…



Stepping through the gate of our gated community (marked for the holiday with that red inflatable arch), things change a bit.  This photo doesn't show too much of that yet…but just wait.
(If you're curious…that white truck near the gate is selling produce…in very rough looking crates. We bought some little mandarin oranges…they were good.)



I'm amazed at the trash that surrounds buildings. This building sits just outside our gated community complex (and it is across the street from the school). Looking at the building itself I would never have guessed that there is a small clothing shop and a small grocery store inside. (of course, I'm sure that if I could read Chinese that wouldn't be the case!)



I can't describe it but it just seems strange to have so much dirt on the side of the road. The building on the left is apparently a police station (at least that's what the sign says). Further along on the left is a mini-mall of sorts. Directly across the street from the police station is the school. The school is also gated and fenced in…..and clean.



How about a man-eating hole to gobble an unwitting victim? I've seen lots of these along side our roads. They're just waiting for an innocent traveler!  And just in case the fall doesn't do enough damage…they've added some nice coiled power cables to make sure it gets done right!!!

Or how about some wires (at least they're capped off!) sticking out of a lamp post? (actually this isn't that bad…we have seen much worse in the city but didn't manage to pull out my camera in time. rats!)



Just looks like an accident waiting to happen, doesn't it? I guess in a strange, bizarre sort of way, their attitude is kind of refreshing. 
American: Aaaah!!!  What if someone falls in there?!?!?!
Chinese Person: Don't fall in there.

Lucky for you they haven't invented smell-o-blog!!!!  Part of the reality of living here in this moment in time is the air pollution.  The smell of burning coal and burning trash is a reality check- yes, we're not in Kansas (or Wisconsin!) anymore.  There is a layer of dust/ash/soot that covers everything outside.  Inside our house we have five air purifiers going full boogie all day and all night long.  I can't be certain they're actually doing anything but they do make me feel better.  The U.S. Embassy in Beijing actually has an Air Quality Monitor which you can check out to see if you're haveing a bad air day or a REALLY bad air day.  We've seen the air quality go from Good to Hazardous.  On those hazardous days it might be wise to stay indoors or at least take up smoking–cigarettes have filters!!!




Coal burning plant…it's not very far away from our house.  There's another one further down the road that actually has good old fashioned black smoke billowing out.  Can't think of why I don't have a picture of that…




Can you tell what is in this photo? It might be hard to see but that is a MOUNTAIN of TRASH right next to a big road. Lots and lots of trash.  And there is no evidence that they do any recycling (which is a bummer as I'm sure that would benefit them greatly!).



Another look at that coal burning power plant. The sunny blue skies seem like an oxymoron.

There are a few other quirks that are sometimes challenging for us Westerners.  Some of the little things that after a time might make you get quite frustrated if you're that sort of person.  First of all, the Chinese don't seem to understand the concept of Waiting Your Turn.  They have a Me First attitude.  They'll push ahead of you in the grocery stores, they'll jump ahead at the bakery.  I don't think they do this to be unkind or rude…it's just the way they operate.  It takes some of us by nasty surprise as most of us were raised to wait our turn in line.  That Me First attitude seeps into many different facets of their lives.  You can see this if you're brave enough to watch what your driver is doing.  He'll swerve and try to get ahead, barely missing hitting other vehicles while doing so.  Terrifying, trust me!


Another thing they do which annoys many Westerners (including me) is they love to SPIT and make loud body sounds.  It's not a pretty thing people!  Especially when they spit in the pool.  Blech!!


Now…I am not at all trying to put any of you off the idea of coming to visit us here in Sunny (?) Tianjin.  There really are in fact quite a lot of very cool things about being here.  Most posts here will be about that.  I just thought some of these oddities were worth sharing… 




One response to “Snippets from a different world”

  1. As much as we like you guys, sorry I don’t think we’re up for a visit. !!
    You are so diplomatic about it!!