Saturday Wanderings….A day out and about in Tianjin

I think it's time for 

A family outing…out and about in Tianjin! 

Let's check out this place we've heard called "Trash Mountain".  It's not really made of trash, is it????

(No, BUT it is apparently made of rubble from torn down buildings and houses)


Let's make a stop at Aaron's Kitchen…



Aaron's Kitchen is a restaurant run by an Australian (I think?). They are in the middle of some extensive renovations but you can still get a drink and some lovely homemade ice cream!

They have real ice cream! I mean REAL hand made ice cream.  So yummy!



Yummmmmmmmmmmmy!!!! Ice cream!!!!

 Silly girls!


Come on!!! I want to see what's at the top of Trash Mountain.  


It's quite a lovely location…considering it's called "trash mountain".


Is this for skiing in the winter??? A very gentle slope…but how do you get up the hill with skis?


This lovely little gazebo(?) was at the top.




Hey, there's a little "lake" going around the mountain and there are some pedal boats we can rent.  Why don't we rent one and toodle around this lake????


Our little boat….what is it supposed to be?  A mouse?  Mickey Mouse?  A rat?  What???


 Come on, Annika and Ava!!  Pedal harder!!!!  


Pedal, pedal, pedal!!!!  Dang.  This is hard work!

Your turn Ava!


Let's go back, okay?  My legs are sooooooo tired from all this pedalling!!!!!! 

Other boat choices:



I actually had wanted the swan. I guess a mouse/rat boat is okay too but how about a "Thomas the Train" boat?

Let's head somewhere else.  I want to check out this certain plant and flower market I've heard of:



In our guide book it boasts as being the largest plant market in Tianjin. It did seem to go on forever and ever!

Oh my.  It's one of those places.  Looks lovely and gorgeous from the front and blah and boring from the side and back:


What's with Chinese men and rolling up their shirts? Do you seriously think it's attractive to run around showing your big ol' tummy?

Inside the buildings we found a huge plant market and an aquarium market.



Do you see what I see in that tank just ahead?




A SEA TURTLE!!!??!!!

Why oh why is there a sea turtle in a tank???  I thought they were protected animals???!? 

What the heck are those things in that open tub below???


Snails! Someone has colored their bodies!?! Seriously???? Why???????  Isn't that harmful to the poor snail??


Check out what's in this tank: 


What can I say??? What could I possibly say about this little Chinese figurine???

Anybody need a tall vase?  I mean a really, really, really  mega ultra tall vase?

IMG_5087Lots of choices- I'm sure  you'll find something that suits your taste.  That is, if you're in the market for a super big, super tall vase.  I mean, I'm sure they're useful for something.  What I can't imagine.



Random things in a shop. No idea what we're looking at. Just stuff. For sale?



Interesting wood tables…. I might want one of these for my living room! 🙂

My oh my.  

Tianjin is full of strange, interesting and amusing places!!!!

Thanks for coming along with us on our little outing.  :-)



One response to “Saturday Wanderings….A day out and about in Tianjin”

  1. The Chinese guy showing off his gut is the best part of the trip 🙂