Just a few photos taken on recent (October) outings for your amusement!
"U R so cold and hard"????? Ummmmmmm……okay. (bought this at a store called Morning Glory that sells lots of stationary type stuff)
Not sure why this hit my funny bone. I think I find it funny because it's a laundry detergent advertisement on a shopping cart/market bag. I'm sure Tide knows about this! (not)
I'm NOT a fan of vampires….but from a distance it reads correctly but up close you can see that the "i"s are in fact "l"s. So, it reads, "the Vamplre Dlarles". Well, close enough, right?????
MMmmmmmmmm!!!!! I gotta get me some "Glow Fluid". I'm sure it's safe to drink. Right? RIGHT?!? (I wonder if I'll glow in the dark after drinking some!?)
Engrish/Chinglish is ALL over here. You could take photos all.day.long of signs, t-shirts, logos in Engrish. We've kind of gotten used to it (for better or for worse).