October 5, 2012-
We just finished touring around the Golden Pavilion (also called Kinkaku-ji) and now we're going to try our luck riding the busses… here's hoping we can get to the Nishiki Market!
Enjoying our drinks and some goonie faces at Starbucks, while struggling to get the wifi to work. Apparently there is free wifi available at Starbucks but it's nearly impossible for us to figure out how to get on. Never mind…
Entrance to the Nishiki Market:
Check out all the wonderful things we can buy:
All sorts of candies:
Interesting sushi display:
Japanese wines, whiskies, and other alcohol. We tried some plum wine. 🙂 I might not like sake but I do find plum wine quite easy to drink!!!!
Mmmmm…..Chestnuts! We love chestnuts!
We found an awesome knife store in the market. They're not cheap and we debated back and forth whether or not we should get one. Well, we couldn't resist. Could you resist??? We LOVE excellent knives and this shop is full of amazingly fine and very sharp knives. All beautifully handcrafted. How can you say no?
We're going to go find a place for lunch. We're searching for a particular restaurant I saw listed on trip advisor's website – it's a noodle place and it got excellent reviews- AND it's located near this market. Will you help us find it??????
Hey! I think we've found the restaurant. See you in a few minutes!