Christmas Day 2012:: Part Two

December 25, 2012-


Merry Christmas…part two!!!

After the morning gift opening frenzy came to a close we invited Kevin, Holly, Amelie and Sebastian to come over and help us celebrate.

First over was Amelie.  Ready to decorate some cookies girls????


We made a big batch of sugar cookies on Christmas Eve.  And with all the cookie decorating goodies left over from Ava's class cookie decorating party- decorating was EASY!


Frosting the cookies



Just a few of the lovelies the girls decorated.

I just had to take a photo of this:


Our 9+kg turkey BARELY fit into our oven!!!! We had to lower the rack and hope it would work…it did!!!

Ummm….and now we're decorating IKEA gingerbread houses.  Lots of cookie decorating happening today!  Guess that's what happens when you leave everything for the last day!!!




Cookie/gingerbread house decorating supplies. I ended up hot gluing the houses to save time!

Time for dinner!!!  The turkey is done!


Here is the kids' "table". They got to enjoy kid wine with their meal.

And the grown-up table:


We had lots of interesting conversation with Holly and Kevin. Maybe next year I should find a tablecloth to dress up the table a little bit!?

Our meal consisted of turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and homemade green bean casserole.  :-)  My favorites!!!

And speaking of leaving everything until the last minute….how about some Santa cookies????


The girls want to tell you…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!



One response to “Christmas Day 2012:: Part Two”

  1. You moved to China at the right time – this was the first year Ikea had gingerbread cookie houses! We always had to wait to go home for the holidays (or buy a pre-made one at a hotel bakery) to make our g-bread house. LUCKY! So special to be able to carry on those traditions from home.