Whenever you feel like you have something to share, just remember that to your family you can lay your heart bare.
Whenever you feel that life is being unfair, just remember that Mom and Dad will always care.
Whenever you face problems that you can’t bear, just remember that your parents will always be there.
Happy 13th birthday.
source: wishesmessages.com
10 August 2016
How many candles can we fit on to Annika's lemon meringue birthday pie??? All of them!!!
Mile-high meringue! Woot! Woot! (the drat part of the pie was that fact that it didn't taste very lemon-y, thanks to Chinese lemons that I didn't realize were nearly tasteless. Darn it! At least the meringue made up for the lack of lemon flavor.)
Breakfast of champions! Birthday lemon meringue pie for breakfast. Along with the Spiderman table cloth I brought with me from the US and Avengers napkins. Have you noticed how the girls seem to be enthralled with comic book heroes?
Annika's birthday dinner request…South Beauty. South Beauty is a chain Sichuan restaurant. And it offers loads of tasty dishes. Our favorite dishes include a rib dish, deep fried green beans, and gong bao ji ding (aka kung pao chicken). We do love eating Sichuan food!
Happy birthday to our beautiful, intelligent, creative, and independent Buggy!!!