best friends

June 3, 2013 –

Annika's first friend in China- also turned out to be her best friend is Clair.  Actually, we "met" Clair before we moved to China.  She and Annika were set up as pen pals through the school so that Annika could ask questions via email about her new school before we moved here.  

As I type this (June 9th), Clair and her fun-loving & caring family are heading back to the USA- permanently.  Needless to say it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride in our house. 🙁 (this is the part of expat life that I don't care for- saying good bye).  







Best Friends

I'm going to miss this beautiful & goofy smile:



Clair, we miss you already!!!!!




So…can someone please tell me- Why did the chicken cross the road??????

 LOL! This is one of the neighbor's chickens.  They've got a bad habit of getting out of their cages lately! (and I've also heard that residents of this compound are NOT technically allowed to own chickens and other feather fowls…but that's not stopping anybody!  I'm not upset as I think having chickens around is amusing). 



Dear Ms. Chicken, Why did you decide to cross the road????




Hmmm….there are a few Chinese men standing around this pole which is located at the entrance to our pedestrian gate (by which I mean a gate you can only walk through) close to our house.  What are they doing????

Oh my….they've just stepped away and this is what they've left:



Open wiring and a few tools….Huh.



I seriously hope they come back and finish the job!  Some how having open wires like this just doesn't seem like a very good idea. Or maybe I'm just crazy.  


June 9, 2013-

Want to know what was EXTREMELY irritating about this weekend?????  The guys had to go to work both Saturday AND Sunday …. because there is a Chinese holiday that falls in the middle of the week.  Let's just say there are a lot of VERY grumpy expats.  Most of the world, when you get a holiday in the middle of the week you DON"T have to make up the time on the weekends!  Now, that just seems plain ol' cruel!



One response to “best friends”

  1. Amy Siegert Avatar
    Amy Siegert

    I’m sure Claire and Annika will be lifelong friends. It’s a tough but important thing she’s experiencing, saying good-bye..for now!