January 1, 2014-
Happy New Year!!!
Do you create New Year's resolutions?
I haven't yet worked out what my resolutions should be for this year. Practicing my violin more? Trying harder in my Chinese language lessons? Trying to relearn Calculus (ha!)? Read more? (heck yes!) Or how about saying "yes" more often? How about learning to be happy with myself and STAYING happy? How about running …one….two ….or maybe THREE half-marathons???? (am I seriously that crazy????)
Do you have a Word of the Year?
Hmmm…not sure what our Word of the Year should be… Any suggestions?
Do you have any special New Year's traditions?
We just love blowing up fireworks…and Mark managed to find a lot of them for last night's booming event!
I just know that 2014 will be the best year yet!