Annika’s Grade 5 Exhibition

27 March 2014-

Let me just say this first….I am SO PROUD of ALL the grade 5 students!  You all did a tremendous job in executing your final grade 5 exhibition performance and presentations!  All I can say is….I certainly didn't do any of this when I was in fifth grade!!!!


Here's a tiny bit of background information: as part of the PYP (Primary Years Program) the grade 5 students at IST have been working on their Line of Inquiry…delving into it…taking action…learning….absorbing…for the past ten weeks.  This year the theme was Sharing the Planet.  That means "human actions (or inactions) that impact the people, the environment…the world." Pretty important stuff.  The kids could choose their own subject and were placed into groups with other kids with a similar topic.  However, each child had their own, unique Line of Inquiry.  They researched their topics using several different kinds of media (books and internet research), field trips to appropriate locations, taking action (which, I have to admit is trickier for most of these kids because we live in China), writing essays and creating art projects and displays to convey their message.  Topics ranged from air pollution (sadly very appropriate for where we currently live), animal abuse, recycling, and poverty (plus several extras thrown in there for good measure).

Annika chose poverty as her main topic.  Her line of inquiry was the effects of hunger on poverty.  

Pretty deep stuff.

And most definitely NOT topics I was thinking of when I was ten.  

So I'm extra impressed with all the work, thought, and effort all the fifth graders put into their exhibition pieces.  

At the beginning of the evening the Grade 5 students put on a brief presentation for the parents:


Can you spot me in the photo below?  I was a guest speaker (I spoke to them about my volunteering experience at the orphanage):IMG_3332

Here's Annika:





I'm sure you've already seen the video of Annika's solo: 


Sniff, sniff, sniff…I'm one proud mama! 



  We migrated over to the grades 2-5 playroom to examine the displays the kids have worked on so dutifully.  

Here's Annika's display:




Here are some of the displays by other children:IMG_0813

Annika is discussing her topic with one of the teachers:IMG_3342

This poem, written by Annika, made me cry:IMG_3341


Did that poem send chills up your spine too?  Or is just me?  Seriously.  I'm tearing up just now (after having re-read it).  I've got a lump in my throat.  I tell you what – that girl can write!IMG_3349


Here is another student's display:IMG_3350

Here is Mimi's display:IMG_3353

Mimi chose to do her theme on animal abuse and laws protecting animals.  Apparently China doesn't have any (laws)…unless they're pandas.  Hmmmm….

One last look at Annika's display.  Behind her is the art project she worked on – a Hunger Tree.  In addition she created a small website that has information on poverty and hunger.


I've got to admit – I am REALLY IMPRESSED!!!!  These kids put in a lot of thought and effort into their projects and displays and it really showed.