more pottery in Beijing….

11 March 2014 - 

We – Sam, Frances, Jen & I – went on a shopping excursion to Beijing.  We found some goodies (oil paintings!) in the Yashow Market before heading over to Lily's Antiques.  I love Lily's but I don't love the exorbinant prices!  Fortunately the ENTIRE area around Lily's is chock-full of shops selling similar items.  :-)

Like this shop I absolutely adore:IMG_0723

IMG_0724Soooooo….exactly how much pottery is too much???????  I think I NEED some of that turquoise pottery.  

Check out these four cute Buddha statues that came home with us:



We each got one of the statues. Here's mine after I brought him home:IMG_0740

And here he is today: 

IMG_1199-web copyHe's being tickled by the hydrangea! (which was a gift from the lady I bought a bunch of potted flowers from).