Window Shopping at TaoBaoJie

1 April 2014 –

Some of the ladies (Jen, Sam, Petra and Jen's in-laws) and I did a little window shopping at TaoBaoJie.  What is TaoBaoJie?  Hmmmm….it's an indoor market of sorts- most of the vendors in there sell either clothing, bags or shoes but you'll find pottery and miscellaneous home goods as well (I found some cute platters and pottery at one of the vendors).


Fruit scented B.O. anyone??? Hmmmmm….deeelicious. NOT! [For non-English speaking folks, B.O. stands for Body Odor.  And B.O. is NOT a good thing!  (generally smells stinky, sweaty and nasty)]IMG_0863

Sam and I just had to take a photo with this lovely looking person.  Is it a male or female??? Jen thinks this person is a man (pronounced Adam's apple) but Sam and I thought this person was a woman….I think Jen might be right though!  He/she is wearing waaaaaay too much make-up (among other things).  IMG_0864What do you think? Girl or boy???? Regardless, "she" was very sweet and was happy to pose with us for the photo.  :-)