Annika, Happy 11th Birthday!!!

While I'm quite behind on blog posts – having taken a nice two (and change) month holiday from writing blog posts – I just couldn't wait to write a blog post about Annika's birthday!

10 August 2014 –

It's Sunday …and it's Annika's eleventh birthday!!! (Annika was born on a Sunday.) 

We're back in Grand Haven, Michigan visiting family on The Farm.  It's been a whirlwind summer with many adventures (which I have yet to share with you!) and sadly it's about to come to an end.

But not yet…

Today we're sending Annika and her fellow Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits ..and I suppose a few humans …on a Lord of the Rings Quest!!!!

A little background info: Mark and Annika have been discussing her birthday wishes for months now and the only real request she had was that she wanted to organize a quest – or treasure hunt- Lord of the Rings style.  Fast forward to Friday night before her birthday: Mark, with the help of Beth, came up six clues for the Fellowship of Friends to find.  Mark made sure to scatter those clues far and wide on Grandpa's farm.  After all, you don't want to make it too easy for the eleven-year old!!! 😉

The Fellowship of Friends had to find the clues and solve the riddles to find the next clue. The Fellowship consisted of Annika, Ava, Lily, Gregory, Henry, Bobby, Kendall, and Caroline.

While the Fellowship of Friends got dressed up as characters from the LOTR series (some kids got into their roles more than others) Mark placed Clue #1 and all the adults raced into position.  We adults kept in contact with each other via text messages (just to make sure the kids didn't accidentally get lost on the big piece of property that is The Farm). Aunt Beth made it clear to the kids that they had to stick together; they would ONLY receive the next clue IF and ONLY IF they were all together. The kids also got a packet of neatly wrapped "Lembas Bread" (store-bought cornbread crackers that Beth and I bagged in plastic baggies and then wrapped with grape leaves and cotton twine).  


The Fellowship of Friends preparing themselves to go on the Quest (on Aunt Beth's deck):IMG_7094


The Rings of Power (Lily and Annika had been making lots of rings out of oven-drying clay):IMG_7097

Lily with her packet of Lembas bread:IMG_7098



Clue #1 was located outside Aunt Beth's house:

"A great evil has crept into Middle Earth.  It is said that the One Ring has been found and is in motion, relentlessly seeking the hand of its master.  Your fellowship has been formed with the singular purpose of finding this Ring and bringing it to the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor where it was made.  Only there can the ring be unmade and it’s terrible power ended once and for all.

It is not known precisely where the Ring may be found, though there is a rumor that the creature Gollum, who is thought to have once possessed it, has been seen roaming the dark forest of Mirkwood.  In this dark and mysterious forest there is an ancient tree, known in the Elvish tongue as Peelerion.  From the height of this great tree many things can be seen, and many things can be learned."


Clue #2 – located at the top of the Pee Tree which directs the Fellowship to the Corn Field, the home of the Dreaded Duck Dragon:

"The Ring is lost, and must be found.  It is no longer within the borders of this dark wood.  There is a very wise but dangerous creature who may be able to help you on your quest to find it.  This creature is known as the Duck Dragon, and his home is to the south in the land of Cornfeld.  It is said that when you approach the border of his land, you can call his name and hear his mysterious call in reply.  If you follow this call, you may find him.  A warning though…The Duck Dragon is always hungry, and must be appeased with a gift of tasty treats.  Travelers who have ventured into his realm without treats have never returned from its borders."


Clue #3 – once the Dreaded Duck Dragon is appeased he'll present the Fellowship with Graham Crackers and the next clue…which will lead them to the Rye Field:


"Brave Travelers, you have traveled far…but not far enough.  There is great urgency.  The One Ring has been taken by an Agent of Sauron—the great orc D’Orc.  He plans to carry the Ring to his master.  If he succeeds, all will be lost.  D’Orc was last seen approaching the land of Ryeland, near the village of Hun-Tingsh-Ack.  If you hurry, you may yet be able to catch him there.  Remember—he is fast and strong.  You must be faster—you must catch him.  Once you catch him…you must exploit his one and only weakness: terrible jokes.  You must tell him the dumbest jokes you can think of.  After you have told him several terrible jokes, he will lose all sensibility, and only then will you be able to take the One Ring from him.  Only then will you have a chance of completing your quest.

And one other thing……please accept these Graham Crackers.  You will need them once your quest is completed.  I gift these to you under the condition that you PROMISE me that you will NOT open them until your task is complete…"

Mark played the role of the Dreaded Duck Dragon using a mask and a duck call. He was hiding out in the corn field waiting for the kids to find him.  The kids had to appease him with a treat (a donut).  Man, what a tough gig for Mark!



Clue #4 – Once D'Orc was captured and told bad jokes he gives the Fellowship the Ring, Chocolate and the next clue:

"Silly Humans…You may have gotten the ring from me, but there is no way your quest will succeed.  No one knows the way into Mordor except the White Wizard “Blackhat”, and there’s no WAY you will ever find him.  Even if you take the Old Railroad Grade North as far as it goes…you will not find him.  So definitely do NOT take the Old Railroad Grade North…That would be pointless because there’s no way you will find any useful information there.  You are doomed!!!  Oh—and I guess I don’t need this chocolate any more.  You may not open it until you reach the end of your pointless quest."




Uncle Ray played the role of D'Orc.  Oh. My. Goodnes….that names CRACKS ME UP!!!!  He really made the kids work to get the next clue too.


Clue #5 – the Fellowship must walk to the North End of the Railroad Grade to find Blackhat, the White Wizard. The Fellowship must present the Ring in order to get the Marsh-Mallows and the next clue:

"Ah, welcome weary travelers.  I have watched you from afar and know that you have endured many dangers.  Have you managed to secure the One Ring?  Yes, I see you have.  Good…very good.

Now…you know what you must do.  You must take the ring to Mordor, to the fires of Mount Doom.  There you must cast the ring into the fire.

To get to Mordor, you must first pass through the Dead Marshes.  There the spirits of those who died in the last great battle with Sauron still rise from the murky water in the form of great Cattails.  You must travel around the border of this marshland until you find the one last clue that will lead you to Mordor.  And to help protect you from the spirits of the ancient ones who inhabit those waters, I offer you these marsh-mallows.  Carry them with you, but do NOT open them until your quest is at an end."



I played the role of Blackhat, the White Wizard.  I'll readily admit I made it easy on the kids as I was already in full battle mode against the mozzies (mosquitoes).  The sooner the kids found Blackhat- the better!!! LOL!


Annika didn't waste a single minute after she spotted the location of the last clue…into the pond she went!IMG_7123


Clue #6- located at the Dead Marshes (aka the Pond). No humans or monsters here but this final clue will direct them to the Land of Mordor (which is the fire pit in the sassafras grove):


"Turn Back!!!  You must go no further!  If you continue on, you will enter the Land of Mordor, and you do NOT want to do that!!!  Death and destruction await all who enter that dark land!!!  The very worst part, they say, is the center, where Mount Doom sits like a great Pit of Fire, guarded by hideous Sass Orcs and Frass Orcs.  Save yourselves and TURN BACK!!!"



At Mt. Doom (aka the fire pit) Annika threw The Ring (Mark had quickly fashioned a ring out of a piece of wood that morning and strung it with cotton twine). Then it was time to eat Grandpa's world famous ribs and Samwise Gamgee's po-tay-toes (tater tots) along with s'mores and other tasty treats.

Welcome to Mordor:IMG_7126

Throwing the Ring of Power into Mt. Doom:IMG_7127

Mt. Doom (it looks terrifying, doesn't it???):IMG_7128

Time to relax!IMG_7131

The tasty treats:IMG_7112



After a few rounds of playing various games (like Munchkin) we lit up Annika's birthday treat of choice, lemon meringue pie, with eleven candles.  After singing the birthday song we gorged ourselves on Aunt Beth's delicious homemade (naturally) lemon meringue pie.  Yum!!!



It's a pie staring contest!IMG_7141

Happy Birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday dear Annika…..happy birthday to you!!!IMG_7143

Bobby, you're HILARIOUS!!!:IMG_7153


Aaaah…..what an awesome party!  And most of all, Happy Birthday to our special Bug, Annika!!!!  We love you to the End of the Universe and Back…may you always be the wild, spunky and creative spirit that you are. We love you!


2 responses to “Annika, Happy 11th Birthday!!!”

  1. Gerlinde Avatar

    this has got to be one of the coolest birthday quests – Annika (as well as her sister and all of the cousins) are certainly lucky to have such great “thinker-uppers” for parents and relatives :):):)

  2. Very very cool! Happy Belated Birthday, Annika!