Annika is off to Week Without Walls..

15 September 2014-


This is what you get when your child goes to secondary school here: they go on a week-long trip with their class…away from family. They call it Week Without Walls.  


Annika is off to Beijing to a place called "Survival Island". 

This trip is supposed engage the students and encourage them to learn through team work and community building (their words, not mine) the learner profile attributes the school upholds: risk-takers, caring, communicators, thinkers and principled (again, not my words). 

Hmmm….m'kay.  Sounds…well….. interesting AND educational – and dare I say it?  FUN!

Perhaps you can tell from my whining and crying – I'm sad that my oldest is gone for the week. It's oddly quiet here.  Ava misses her, Mark misses her and I really miss her too.  

However, I KNOW she's going to have a GREAT time!  There are several wonderful teachers and assistants going with the students.  AND…Annika has some awesome and responsible friends right beside her.  She was so excited about this trip that she had her bags all packed and ready to go on Friday night (today is Monday).  Yeah…she had NO PROBLEM leaving us for the week.  

Buggy, have fun!!!  

I wasn't there to watch the bus leave the school (I had Chinese language lessons during that time) but my sweet friend, Severine, emailed me the following two photos of Annika:

Annika www 1

Annika WWW 2Bye, bye Buggy!  We know you're having fun!




One response to “Annika is off to Week Without Walls..”

  1. so – how was the week – for both you and Annika??