Through the woods and over the hills….to Opa’s house we GO!

Over the hills and through the woods…to Opa's house we go!  Time to saddle up, dump the luggage in the van, and drive to Veitsch.  "Where?", you say???  Well, it's a *tiny* little town in Steiermark…somewhere between Vienna, Graz, and Mariazell.  

I think today is a FANTASTIC day for a drive!  Just check out those clear blue BEAUTIFUL skies!


Are you familiar with Manner Schnitten???  The original ones are my absolute favorite. On a side note: they now make Manner yogurt.  Of course I had to try it.  (verdict??  Hmm….did NOT taste like the wafer cookies.  Rats!)IMG_9699

Good bye Salzburg…Hello Steiermark! IMG_9702


GREEN!!!!!!!!  I can't remember a winter here where I've seen this much green.  This area is usually loaded with snow….these hills and mountains are loaded with ski resorts and ski slopes.  What a strange winter!  IMG_9705

IMG_9706We're entering Veitsh…do you see the giant cross on top of the hill????


Driving past the factory where Opa used to work.  I have always wanted to go inside this factory….I've never had the opportunity.  Maybe on my next visit???IMG_9723

Wow!  They've really painted the apartment buildings ….they're…colorful:IMG_9730

I spy Opa's building just up ahead.  It hasn't changed in all the years I've been coming to Austria.  IMG_9732Hallo from Opa's haus!!!  Wir sind da!  Hallo Opa!!!! 


After stopping in to see Opa and chat we all loaded back up into the van and drove over to Turnau to check into our accomodations.  Check out the sky …with a setting sun.  Absolutely stunning!



Let's see…we dropped off Opa back at his home and we went shopping at Spar for groceries (as the following day was Sunday and restaurants and stores might not be open).  We ended our evening getting dinner in Mitterdorf (close to the Spar).

Back to Turnau and …time for:  IMG_4745


Good morning!  Shall we go downstairs and get breakfast?  This place has such lovely breakfast treats….rolls, sliced meats, sliced cheeses…among just a few of the many things to eat.



Isn't this place such a cozy, warm retreat?  We've stayed here once before… 🙂IMG_9741

Off to Opa's house we go….



3 responses to “Through the woods and over the hills….to Opa’s house we GO!”

  1. Gerlinde Avatar

    what a nice trip you guys had..I understand you almost missed the snow and high winds (I could not even call Opa the other day because the winds knocked out a lot of trees – no electricity!)

  2. Glad to see Opa looking so well!

  3. It was definitely an “interesting” day for a drive. LOL! Uh oh…did Opa not have electricity? Yikes! That’s not cool!