Meet Rainbow Fairy Mippet

May 2015-

It seems that whenever Annika has a spare minute or two she's squirreled away in her room making these absolutely adorable oven-hardening clay figurines…which we call Mippets.

Here's one lovely creation…I think I'll call her Rainbow Fairy…and I think you'll see why I call her that when you see her:

IMG_2079The wings are rainbows, the dress is blue skies with clouds and the skirt is made to look like flowers.  

Back of Rainbow Fairy Mippet:


And here is Soccer-playing Mippet she created:

IMG_2083Pretty darn cute, right????

Oh!  That reminds me…I really need to take photos of Annika's summer mippet creations (many, if not all, of them are Harry Potter related).