2015 Elementary Spring Show: “Now & Then”

27 May 2015 –

It's the Elementary Spring Show tonight!  

These shows are always great fun…. especially when it comes to watching the wee little ones singing and dancing up on stage.  The Nursery and Preschool ages kids just love doing their own thing which makes them absolutely hilarious to watch.  We were cracking up…laughing so hard that we were crying. Whatever would we do without those precious little children????

Here is the IST Elementary Choir singing "Sunny Day":




IMG_2957Listening to four third graders play "Xiao Yan Zi":


These third graders are too cool for school….and they're superstars! (song: "Superstar" by S.H.E.)

Grade 3 Superstars from Astrid Breutzman on Vimeo.

Did you see those funky, weird pants she's wearing??  Oh my!!! 


And now the IST Elementary Choir is wearing pajamas! They're singing "Goodnight" by Dmitri Kabelevsky:IMG_2966Do you see Ava?


The entire elementary school singing "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan:
